Arena Games Triathlon powered by Zwift nearly doubled its live broadcast audience during a stellar second season of...
Henri Schoeman
Parkour sensation Michael Khedoori signs with MANA
Aug 25, 2022| Athlete Representation
Parkour sensation and social media superstar Michael Khedoori has signed onto the roster of MANA Sports &...
MANA athletes kickstart 2022 in winning style
Mar 23, 2022| Athlete Representation, MANA Updates, Pho3nix
MANA Sports and Entertainment Group athlete Kat Matthews has kicked off her 2022 racing season with a win at Ironman...
Ironman Champion joins Mana Sports
Nov 28, 2021| Athlete Representation
Five-time Ironman champion Joe Skipper has signed with MANA Sports and Entertainment’s athlete management arm, further...